Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What is Acupressure?

1.   What is acupressure?

Acupressure is a special treatment method in which many of the diseases can be successfully treated without taking any kind of medicines, but just by pressing on some specific points of the body in a specific manner.


2.   What are the benefits of getting treated in Acupressure System?

We do not need to go to the doctor for small problems, but we can treat ourselves and our family members sitting at home! You can avoid the harmful side effects of the medicines on our body and of course, we can avoid spending huge money on medicines!

3.   Which diseases can be treated with Acupressure? 

Acupressure will give relief in any pain relief related problems. Apart from this, many other diseases can be treated to some extent!

4.   On which basis does Acupressure Treatment work? 

Acupressure treatment works on the basis of Five Elements and body's internal energy. 

5.   What is the difference between Acupressure and Acupuncture? Which instruments are used in Acupressure treatment?  

Effect of Acupressure & Acupuncture is same.  Here, I want to give an example. In a hotel, we eat with spoon or fork. But we eat the same dish with hands at our home. It is not important as to how we ate.  But, it is important that we consumed the food.  In the same way, we can use Pressure, needle, magnet while stimulating a therapeutic point.  It is important that the Therapeutic point on the body is treated.  But, it is not important as to which instrument is used for giving stimulating the point. During treatment, if Pressure is applied on a Therapeutic point, it is called Acupressure.  If needle is used, it is known as Acupuncture.  I reiterate, effect is same. 

In Acupressure treatment, Pressure, Needle, Magnet and / or colors can be used. 

So friends, with this information, I, Srinivas, take leave for now and see you again in my next post with more information on Acupressure.  

Thank you...


Prana - the Energy keeping us alive

Hi friends,  Welcome to my Post No.4 on Acupressure in daily routine.   In the last 2 days I saw many people showing interest in readi...